
SAS Technical Lead Position in Raleigh, NC at Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Email: pavank@yochana.com

Pavan Kumar,

Yochana IT


Reply to:   pavank@yochana.com

Keywords   SAS Grid, SAS Data, SAS Platform

Roles and Responsibilities

7 to 10  years  Experience in the SAS Platform

SAS-9.4 M6 -Platform Suite administration and administer SAS workload sas workload orchestrator administration utility.

Should have experience of SAS products like SAS-Studio, SAS-EG, SAS-environment manager, PC -SAS,SASGSUB.

The candidate should have expertise administering SAS GRID 9.4m6 &SAS Viya  in AWS/OCI environments and migration of SAS data from on prem to cloud environments.

Administer, maintain and tune the SAS  Grid Platform and SAS Viya in Linux environment and in depth knowledge of SAS Foundation 9.4, SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Metadata & EBI Server 9.4, SAS Grid 9.4, Platform LSF Suite.

SAS platform security management, SAS application and underlying infrastructure support (OS, Storage, SAS 9.4 EBI Applications, Web and Database)

Collaborates with storage, server, LDAP, database and other IT administrators to support ongoing operations for   the SAS-Grid environment.

Manage provisioning for all SAS tools and environments, including but not limited to SAS-metadata identities, users, groups, and roles.

Security and Authentication topics (related to the access of source data, the access of data within SAS on the SAS servers across the different business organizations as well as SAS  integration with tools such as Active Directory/LDAP)

Knowledge about SAS- Setup which includes platform suite, SAS-Products and LSF administration

Through Understanding about  SAS -9.4M5/6  administrator of the 9.x suite in a Windows and Linux environment performing system monitoring, log analysis, performance analysis, performance tuning and capacity planning

Experience in troubleshooting SAS Platform and client issues along with performing root cause analysis.

Understand basic commands necessary to monitor SAS jobs, ability to move around in a Windows and Linux environment as required for basic functioning of SAS as well as a functional understanding of how the operating system and SAS are integrated.

Understanding of SAS Metadata content and articulate the advantages/benefits of SAS Metadata content throughout the organization.

Thorough understanding of SAS products and how they function together in a distributed environment.

Knowledgeable of SAS data source connectivity to the following architectures: Hadoop, Oracle..

Understanding of server security and folder structure and how they relate to SAS (1.)  To ensure process improvement and compliance, and participate in technical design discussion and to review technical documents (2.)  Co-ordination with On-Site Engineers and attending customer calls (3.)  Raising risks, issues and escalation to senior management and customer (4.)  To create all quality documents, collect metrics data and conducting Audits. To perform Value creation and KM activities. (5.)  To create project plans and keep track of schedule for on time delivery as per the defined quality standards

Keywords: information technology Colorado
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Wed Jan 24 22:50:00 UTC 2024

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