
Android Developer, No H1B at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: shikha@kpgtech.com




Reply to:   shikha@kpgtech.com


Hope you are doing well.

Please find the job description below and let me know your interest.


 Android Developer

, No H1B


 Cincinnati Ohio (Hybrid) HAS TO BE LOCAL

 Duration: 6-12 Month Contract

MOI: Phone and Video

Job Description

5+ years developing Android Apps (using Android and 3rd party libraries/frameworks)

5+ years Java experience

Prior Android Developer Lead experience a plus

Prior experience with project planning with large size or highly complex projects

A solid understanding of mobile application development processes, from the layout/user interface to backend systems and API integrations

A solid understanding and appreciation for Agile tools, processes, and methodology

Ability to interact well in a team environment

Strong organization skills to manage multiple timelines and complete tasks quickly within the constraints of clients timelines and budgets

Key Responsibilities

Lead and participate in the design and implementation of large and architecturally significant applications.

Champion company standards and best practices. Work to continuously improve software delivery processes and practices.

Develop programming specifications. Design, code and unit test application code using

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) best practices.

Work with Product team to plan new features, gather requirements and propose solutions.

Acquire and interpret business requirements, creates a functional specification, and determines the most efficient/appropriate technologies.

Research and implement new interface development techniques.

Support the entire application lifecycle (concept, design, test, release and support)

Ability to work with new technologies while showing drive, adaptability, and creative thinking.

Establish development best practices and growth of mobile applications standards.

Help foster a culture of innovation and out-of-the box thinking.

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Thu Jan 25 03:01:00 UTC 2024

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