
Looking for GenAI Engineer at Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Email: [email protected]

Srujan Beerkur,

Adbakx LLC

[email protected]

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Go through the below job description and share me the updated resume.

Job Title: GenAI Engineer

Location: Atlanta, GA (Onsite from Day 1 and Need only Locals)

Long Term

Job Description:

Responsible for designing and maintaining strategy, architecture, and transition steps for current and new software services and infrastructure as they relate to business solutions.

Apply common services and domain level knowledge of current day-to-day and future operations to guide integration of architectural development, designs and standards.

Work with cross organizational teams to understand the requirements while working with solution architects and delivery teams to ensure services are implemented to specification and operate best in class.

Set directions on the hardware and software platforms and understand how assets can be leveraged to optimize resources while supporting requirements.

May also interact with industry, standards, and suppliers to ensure AT&T requirements are incorporated.

Design and develop GenAI use case model pipeline and other relevant engineer components using appropriate technologies/algorithms.

Have experience with developing and building Large Language Models (LLM), Foundation Models, and AI systems.

Have experience with developing Cloud-native applications and very good understanding of Cloud architecture, technologies, and best practices.

Additionally Skills:

Knowledge of Langchain and HuggingFace Model (IBM).

Proficiency with server-side languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, etc.

Proficiency with fundamental front-end languages such as HTML, CSS, JQuery, and JavaScript.

Experience with JavaScript frameworks such as Angular JS, React, React with Redux.

Experience with database technologies for structured and unstructured data.

Experience with relevant code repository and project tools such as GitHub, JIRA, Confluence (NYLIC).

Ability to integrate APIs, create automated test cases, perform Unit Testing (UT) and System Integration testing (SIT).

Working experience with Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment.

Understanding of existing and emerging web standards such as HTML5 and Mobile.

Demonstrated ability with Application Architecture, best practices and systems engineering industry trends.

Solid understanding of Agile application delivery methodologies and release management activities. Have experience with large-scale backend platforms powering ML models (Snap).

Keywords: artificial intelligence machine learning javascript golang Georgia Utah
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Fri Feb 23 02:19:00 UTC 2024

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia