
Looking for Control Center Systems Expert at Center, Colorado, USA
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Srujan Beerkur,

Adbakx LLC

[email protected]

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Go through the below job description and share me the updated resume.

Job Title: Control Center Systems Expert

Location: Remote PST hours preferred

Job description:

The Sr. Utility Business Analyst will be developing a career for himself/herself filled with excitement! The utility industry is in the middle of a massive transformation. Energy generation is going from 100% centralized to significantly distributed. Operational decision-making and control actions are going from largely manual to largely automated. Technologies such as energy storage, electric vehicle, autonomous vehicle, robots, drones and machine learning are either already changing or are poised to change the way electric utilities operate. Sophisticated analytics are at the heart of all these changes. This role will be responsible for the following activities.

Show the stakeholders the data and analytics capabilities of the team

Come up with ideas for new analytics

Capture product requirements in work management tools such as Jira

Build Power BI reports (training will be available)


BIGGEST MUST HAVE: understand the ADMS/SCADA/EMS/ System Protection Data

MUST have Power systems experience (examples are coupling and decoupling) 

they must understand the functions of the Ops

understand how the outage happens

understand what is the impact of the load on Transmission line- load balancing

Should be very experience in Utility Control center /Grid control center


smart meter data, SCADA telemetry data, outage data, SAP Notification data, SAP asset data, SAP order data, system protection data, system automation data, field work data(needs to be able to pull data from all these platforms and understand how they operate)

GIS Data is a plus also

An ideal candidate for this position should possess the following skillsets:

Experience in any of the following electric utility functional areas: asset strategy, system planning, substation engineering, T-line engineering, distribution engineering, system protection, substation test, system automation (RTU, SCADA etc.), compliance, operations engineering, control room operations

Knowledge in the following: smart meter data, SCADA telemetry data, outage data, SAP Notification data, SAP asset data, SAP order data, system protection data, system automation data, GIS data, field work data

Experience and interest in analyzing data

Ability to document product requirements

Interest in data analytics, data science

Interest in building Power BI reports

Keywords: business intelligence golang
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Wed Feb 28 00:49:00 UTC 2024

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