
Urgent Hiring: Greenplum DBA in Alpharetta GA (ONSITE) at Alpharetta, Georgia, USA
Email: [email protected]

Jyoti Dubey,

Siri InfoSolutions Inc.

[email protected]

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Hello All,

Hope you are doing great 

This is regarding a job opportunity.

Please let me know about your availability and interest.

Feel free to reach me at
848-209-8339 or [email protected]

Please find the JD below;

Job Title

: Greenplum DBA

Location: Alpharetta GA (ONSITE)

Duration: Long Term

Greenplum -

Total 7years of hands on Greenplum Experience (2013-till date)

Hands on with multiple versions of Greenplum software starting from GPDB 4.2.x, 4.3.x and 6.x . Evaluated GPDB 5.x but didnt go for it due its deprecated implicit casting issue. GP 6.x has the same issue but considering its latest improvements we have added 6.x. currently a lead DBA for 5 clusters On premise GPDB - 4.3.33 and AWS cloud GPDB 6.10

Experienced with multiple hardware flavors such as On premise - DELL EMC DCAv2 and Cloud - Amazon Web services

Well versed with GPDB utilities and concepts such as Statistics and  ANALYZE, Bloat and VACUUM, catalog and GPCHECKCAT, Backups GPBACKUP and GPRESTORE, GPCC and GPPERFMON and additional utilities like GPTRANSFER, GPSSH, GPSNAP, PSQL, GPFDIST and GPLOAD in addition to all the system mandate utilities

Had good understanding of Greenplum parameters Postgresql.conf and PGBOUNCER connection pooler

Implemented Security measurements such as SSL at database level, GPFDISTS for secure bulk loading

Had good experience with Performance tuning such as Stats check, bloat check , catalog bloat check, skew and distribution clauses, Joins etc.,


Jyoti Dubey

Sr. Technical Recruiter

Siri Infosolutions Inc.


[email protected]

Keywords: information technology golang Georgia
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Sat Mar 02 03:36:00 UTC 2024

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