
Data Scientist (Remote) at Remote, Remote, USA
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HMG America llc

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Data Scientist

Minneapolis, MN - Remote

6 Months+

Required Qualifications:

- Bachelor's or masters degree in Computer Science, Data Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field.

- At least 5 years of experience in software development and data engineering, with a proven track record in data warehouse management.

- Advanced skills in JavaScript, and Python, and familiarity with modern programming frameworks and technologies.

- In-depth knowledge of Snowflake, data lakes, and other data warehousing technologies.

- Expertise in developing and maintaining RESTful APIs and web service integration.

- Solid understanding of Docker/Kubernetes for deployment, and databases (Postgres, MySQL).

Preferred Qualifications:

- Ability to work autonomously, efficiently, and accurately in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.

- Excellent problem-solving skills with a keen analytical mindset suitable for tackling complex data challenges.

- Demonstrated experience in architecting full-stack applications for Business Intelligence (BI) insights in an enterprise environment, emphasizing the integration of front-end analytics platforms with back-end data warehousing and processing technologies to drive data-driven decision-making.

Keywords: business intelligence Minnesota
Data Scientist (Remote)
[email protected]
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Fri Apr 05 21:23:00 UTC 2024

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