
Urgent Hiring for Software Engineer 1 at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: rbid@vyzeinc.com

Rohit Kumar Bid,

Vyze Inc


Reply to:   rbid@vyzeinc.com

JOB TITLE : Software Engineer 1 - Moline IL

12 months contract 

Location Moline IL ( Local Candidates Needed )

USC/GC only

we need to submit a local who is ok for an onsite interview  .

We can submit JAVA DEVELOPER  With Devops and Node js Skills 

The client needs a software engineer with Dev ops skills 

If you are submitting someone who is "local" but would need to relocate, the manager expects that they will have pretty much all of the experience he's asking for in the SPR. He is extremely cautious about relocation due to past experiences, so his preference really is candidates who are local enough to come onsite without relocation.

The manager is looking for a software engineer with strong DevOps knowledge. I really need to see some of that software engineering in there too.

The manager called out node.js specifically because this role uses that language heavily. He made sure that he called it out, and I know he picked his Glider assessment based on which ones had node.js on them.

The manager is looking for a Software Engineer to work with the teams Infrastructure Engineers to find innovative ways to focus on creating a Digital Workspace Platform to be consumed by other Infrastructure Engineers.

Required skills:

- Experience in the design, development, testing, and integration/deployment of highly complex software solutions leveraging DevOps concepts

- Experience with Rest APIs

- 2+ years of experience in relational (PostgreSQL, MSSQL) and non-relational (NoSQL: MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Redis, Couchbase, Apache HBase) databases

- 2+ years of experience with Git

- 2+ years of experience using scripting languages Javascript (Node.js), Python, PowerShell

- Experience with configuration management tools (Ex: Ansible, Terraform, Puppet, and Salt)

- Must have good problem-solving skills

- Demonstrated passion for technical learning and identifying areas for innovation

Keywords: javascript information technology green card Illinois
Urgent Hiring for Software Engineer 1
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Fri Apr 05 22:43:00 UTC 2024

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