
PostgreSQL Database Administration :::: Remote at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: [email protected]

Naveen Pandey,

Smartit Frame

[email protected]

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Sr. Database Engineer


Contract role

Top Qualifications:

1. PostgreSQL Database Administration.

2. Performance Tuning.

3. PL/SQL.

Job summary

We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Infra Ops Specialist to join our team as a Sr. Tech Specialist. With a focus on PostgreSQL DB Administration and a strong background in Admin Services & Prod related domains, the ideal candidate will play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing our infrastructure operations. This position requires a minimum of 8 years and a maximum of 12 years of relevant experience.

Required Skills Technical Skills: PostgreSQL DB Admin

Required Skills: IBM DB2 LUW DB Admin, PostgreSQL DB Administration

Shift: Day


- Experienced with PostgreSQL Installation & Configuration.

- Should have experience on Upgrade and patches.

- Experience on migrations from Oracle to PostgreSQL and on-prem to cloud.

- Database user roles and Security related permissions.

- PostgreSQL Index Management.

- Good knowledge of ITIL processes.

- PostgreSQL Partitioning and System Catalogs.

- Backup, Recovery and PITR.

- DR Replication monitoring and configuring streaming replication.

- Database Performance tuning. Should be proficient in tuning the shared_memory, work_mem, maintenance_work_mem areas, Buffer Cache, Rollback Segments, Redo/Undo Mechanisms.

- OS: Linux and any cloud Knowledge.

- Tools: PGAdmin4, PGPool, PEM, BART, BARMAN, ORA2PG, and all pg backup and restore utilities.

- High Availability: Streaming replication, WAL replication and fail-over of replication. Knowledge on Patroni cluster or any 3-node cluster with DR setup.


- Must have a strong foundation in PostgreSQL DB Administration with proven experience.

- Experience in Admin Services & Prod related domains is essential.

- Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team.

- Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

- Strong communication and interpersonal skills are required.

- Ability to manage multiple tasks and projects in a fast-paced environment.


Brand Stewardship, Business Analysis, Business Consulting Skills, Change Control Management, Communication, Cross Cultural Adaptability, Customer Expectation Mgmt., Customer Relationship Mgmt., Drive for Results, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Knowledge Management, Leadership, Operations Excellence, Oracle Database Administration, Oracle Database Security admin, Problem Solving & Decision Mkg, Process Focus, Process Management, Professional Development, Program Management, Quality Assurance, Requirements Management, Risk Management, Talent Acquisition.

Years of Experience:       12.00 Years of Experience


Naveen Pandey

Senior Technical Recruiter

Smart IT Frame LLC

[email protected]

Keywords: database information technology procedural language
PostgreSQL Database Administration :::: Remote
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Mon Apr 29 20:14:00 UTC 2024

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