
DevOps Engineer - face2Face interview - Maryland Heights,MO(Hybrid)Local - USC,GC,GCEAD,H4EAD & OPT at Maryland, New York, USA
Email: deepshikha@drkamerica.com

Deepshikha Dixit,

DRK America LLC


Reply to: deepshikha@drkamerica.com


Hope you are doing great!!

Please let me know your interest in the below role-

DevOps Engineer

On Site 2-3 days a week at least starting out at 13736 Riverport Drive Maryland Heights Missouri 63043

Duration: 6-12 -month contract with possible extension

Visa status: USC,GC,GCEAD,H4EAD & OPT

They are also asking that candidates interview from Charters office in-person. They have been receiving a lot of fake candidates and are trying to mitigate that risk.

This is a migration project to AWS as they have a team of about 6 and need an additional resource for this project.

In addition to the big data skills (Kafka, Spark/Scala, MongoDB, Nifi), the team wants someone to have AWS Data Migration Skills. This includes EMR, S3, RDS, Redshift, Athena, Glue.

The best candidate will have both big data skills and AWS Data Migration Skills.

Data platform build using Spark Streaming , Kafka (K-SQL) and MongoDB.

Charter needs someone with hands-on experience with MongoDB migration from H-Base or any other document data store with Scala/Spark experience.


This resource will be part of the data products team as they are rewriting/modernizing an application and then preform the migration. They are looking for this resource to add to an existing team.

Skills needed: Mongo DB, Nifi and Spark Streams.

We need someone with specific skill set around Spark Stremes, Nifi and Mongo DB.


Development operations (DevOps) engineers are responsible for the production and ongoing maintenance of a website platform. They also manage cloud infrastructure and system administration and work with teams to identify and repair issues on an as-needed basis, so strong communication skills are important in this position. They are generally expected to work well under pressure with tight deadlines for certain tasks, and a proactive demeanor and friendly disposition are also helpful. DevOps engineers may work with junior and senior engineers, project managers, and executives, as well as administrative assistants, executive assistants, and a receptionist. Hours can be flexible, though they typically work during regular weekly business hours, and they are not usually responsible for customer/client interaction or supervising junior employees. 5- 10 years of experience.

THanks & Regards,

Deepshikha Dixit | Lead HR

DRK America LLC |Naperville, IL 60563


Keywords: sthree database green card Illinois
DevOps Engineer - face2Face interview - Maryland Heights,MO(Hybrid)Local - USC,GC,GCEAD,H4EAD & OPT
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Thu May 02 10:20:00 UTC 2024

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Location: Maryland Heights, Missouri