
Actively looking for - SoftMax Pro Support Engineer - Remote at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: [email protected]

Hope you are doing well today! My name is Ajay Reddy, and I am a senior recruiter working with ITech US Inc. If you are currently looking for new opportunities. I have an exciting opportunity
with one of our clients Remote. Please let me know if you are interested. Below are the job details for your review.

Role: SoftMax Pro Support Engineer

Duration: Long term Contract

Location: Remote

Must Have: SoftMax Pro

Job Description

Primarily Level 2 support.

Helps maintain the health of the currently released systems in the production environment, ensuring system performs its intended functions accurately and reliably.
Provides end-to-end support for tickets requiring system change; for example, requirements gathering, documentation updates, development, system configuration, validation protocol/script
development to validation execution.
Responsible for follow existing Gilead support processes and procedures, applying organizational compliance practices and relevant regulatory requirements. Required to be on-site resources.
Responsible for answering support calls from the user community through phone, email, text, and face-to-face, to answer application usage questions, investigate application behavior,
and determine if the issue is a:

System use, system behavior, or documentation issue requiring additional training to provide understanding of system functionality, and/or updates to documentation to resolve.
System administration issue user privileges, paths, product specification and analysis, directory maintenance, background/scheduler server, log files
System functionality enhancement change request functionality not in system, system not behaving as desired, new functional addition requests.
Report issue requiring updates to a system report and /or associated report routines.
Technology, hardware, desktop, network issue or failure
Business concern requiring a management or technical decision which cannot be resolved by changing system.

For the above issue types, the expectation is to resolve or follow processes to resolve 1 through 4, and to notify the proper individuals to resolve 5 and 6.
For requests not able to be addressed immediately (especially #3 and #4 of the above), will enter support tickets into Gilead support systems for tracking, prioritization, and manage
to closure.
Assists in the establishment and application of best practices in support management activities, both in the support systems used to track and manage support requests, and in making
recommendations to improve the actual processes used to execute the Gilead support life cycle, from user requests for change to deployment of that change.
Assists in the establishment and application of best practices in change management, including how changes are approved and implemented, and how objects are tracked, managed, and promoted.
Communicates to Gilead management regarding system status, concerns, and ideas for continued improvement of the systems supported.


Ajay Reddy

iTech US Inc.


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Keywords: access management information technology
Actively looking for - SoftMax Pro Support Engineer - Remote
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Fri May 03 19:13:00 UTC 2024

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