
Local to CO or Nearby Only: Enterprise Architect I 100% Remote at Enterprise, Utah, USA
Email: [email protected]
Enterprise Architect (Remote)

 Denver, CO

Rate: $75/hr c2c

All Visa I Locals Only

Estimated Duration: 7 months with possible extension


Must-have skills

8+ y of leading software development teams, solutioning across multiple platforms and paradigms with agile process management, financial management, resource management, and demand management capabilities; 5+ y of exp with running large/complex projects with multiple dependencies; 2+ y related exp of SOAP/REST Web Services; modernization exp using Mulesoft platform

PREFERRED : governmental exp, public sector, Human Services and Benefits Management, TOGAF, Arch Models (Viewpoints/4+1/IEEE42010), Arch Patterns (ADR-MVC/SOA/Microservices/Layers), Software Platforms (Java), Cloud Platforms (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS), Software Development (SDLC/Agile), Design Patterns (Domain-specific/Creational/Structural/Behavioral patterns).


Experience in leading software development teams, solutioning across multiple

platforms and paradigms with agile process management, financial management,

resource management, and demand management capabilities (8+ years)

Experience with running large/complex projects with multiple

Dependencies (5+ years)

Experience of SOAP/REST Web Services (2+ years)

Experience in the public sector, Human Services and Benefits Management

Modernization experience using Mulesoft platform

include but are not limited to the following:

Assessing the current state of architecture and determining its future state with associated roadmap to support CBMS operations and technology objectives.

Closing technical debt and shrinking technology footprint to optimize systems.

Evolving the usage of architecture models, patterns, reference architectures, and guidelines to build consistent and standardized solutions.

Collaborating with multiple vendors to develop and implement specific aspects of the software and architectural solution, ensuring adherence to budgetary and time restrictions.

Creating procedures for implementing architecture governance processes and providing leadership and subject matter expertise in design and execution.

Overseeing all architecture changes for compliance with standards, alignment with guidelines and blueprints.

Developing key deliverables such as System Architecture Document, contextual and conceptual architecture views, technology plans, architecture review & design, and security champion.

Thanks and Regards

Vinod Kumar

ST Global LLC

Fax: 206-319-4579

[email protected]


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Keywords: information technology Colorado
Local to CO or Nearby Only: Enterprise Architect I 100% Remote
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