
Java Solution Architect at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
Role: Java Solution Architect

Exp: 12 Years

Phoenix, AZ ( Need Locals)

Rate: Keep it market

Qualifications: Must possess an uncompromising commitment to producing the highest quality deliverables


Responsibilities include: Serving as a core member of an engineering team that designs and develops software applications

Writing code and unit tests, working on API specs, automation, and conducting code reviews and testing

Performing ongoing refactoring of code, utilizing visualization and other techniques to fast-track concepts, and delivering continuous improvement

Effectively interpreting technical and business objectives and challenges, and articulating sound solutions

Identifying opportunities for adopting new technologies to solve existing needs and predicting future challenges

Working with product managers to prioritize features for ongoing sprints and managing a list of technical requirements based on industry trends, new technologies, known defects, and issues


Keywords: information technology Arizona
Java Solution Architect
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Tue May 14 23:06:00 UTC 2024

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