
Java developer with Vertex at Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
Role:  Java developer with Vertex

Experience: 10+ Years

Location: Phoenix, AZ (Locals)

Primary skills: 


Spring Boot

Vertx, REST Api

SQL, Couchbase

CICD, Junit

Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor degree in Engineering or Computer Science or equivalent OR Master in Computer Applications or equivalent.

6- 8 years strong experience in Java, Rest API, Springboot, Vertex(preferred) , Couchbase, Redis, websocket , Junits, high volume apps, kafka, cicd, REST API

Strong command of data structures and algorithms, plus how the Java collections framework uses them.

Sound knowledge of concepts like Rest API, Springboot, Vertx

Experience in Couchbase cloud DB or equivalent to DB experience and writing SQL queries.

Writing JUnit test cases, using any framework like Mockito, PowerMockito, EasyMock, etc.

Familiarity with CICD process


Keywords: database information technology Arizona
Java developer with Vertex
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Thu May 16 02:44:00 UTC 2024

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Location: Phoenix, Arizona