Local to NY Only: Data Warehouse Developer I New York, NY at Lexington, New York, USA |
Email: [email protected] |
Title: Data Warehouse Developer Location: Lexington Ave New York, NY Duration: 1 Year Locals Only Rate Max: $65/hr on C2C JOB : Jo b Summ a ry N ew Y ork Sta te Ho m es and C om m unity Ren ewal is undergoing a major modernization of their business applications and is seeking a Data Warehouse Developer (Developer) within their Information Technology department to play a key role in this effort, which will include designing and building an enterprise data warehouse . The Developer must have extensive experience in software analysis, design, development, implementation and maintenance of Data Warehouse/Data Marts. T he Developer will w ork cl o sely wi th proje ct ma na gers, IT s taf f, pr o gram s taff a nd ot her s takeh ol d ers to defi ne a nd de ve l op req uire ments f or the enterprise data warehouse. The Developer will a pply a ra nge of specia li zed skills a nd t o ols to c o m ple te the f oll owing specific d uties a nd r esponsi biliti es: The Developer will use t heir e xt ensi ve kn ow led ge of b usi ness a nalysis best pract ices to facilit ate req uire ments sess i o ns and c o m m unica te c learly and ef fec ti vely with en d- users, a pplicati o ns d e ve l o per s, s eni or b usi ness ma na ge rs a nd o t her te am me m bers. T he Developer will be a cc o untab le f or pr ovi di ng c oor di nat i on to e nsu re the ap p r o pri ate c oll ecti on of da ta; d oc u mentat i on of in f o r mat i o n; and pres e ntat i on of fi ndi ngs. T he Developer will p r ovi de docu mentat i on and fl o w-ch arts of t he or ga ni zati o ns w orkflow, as w ell as ad- h oc qu ery su p p ort a nd r e p ort c rea t i o n. The Developer m ust h a ve s t r o ng tech nical k n owled ge a nd u nders ta ndi ng of IT s yst e ms a nd ap plicati o ns as well as t he a bility to pl an and t rack b usi ness a nal yses acti v ities as part of a p r oje ct. The Developer also m ust h a ve g o od lis ten ing skills a nd i nt e r vi ewing s kills to talk with i ndivid uals and gr o ups abo ut t heir ne e ds and ask t he ri ght que sti o ns to su rface essential r e quir e ments i nf o r m ati o n. The i deal ca ndi date will a l so p o ssess g ood writi ng skills to ens ure effec t i ve c om m unica tion of i nf or m ati on to c us t o mers, mar ke ti ng, ma na gers, and t ech nical staff. The Developer will report directly to the CIO, and indirectly to the VP / Application Development Manager, and will play a vital role in helping HCR fulfil its strategic, analytical and operational reporting requirements. The ideal candidate will demonstrate critical thinking skills when solving problems and making recommendations for new solutions. Responsibilities Include (but not limited to): Extensive experience in architecting and designing solutions at Enterprise scale in Enterprise Data warehouse applications. Experience in developing Data Warehouse/Data Marts using, as examples, OBIEE, OBI APPS, Cognos, Business Objects, SPSS, SSIS, SSRS, Informatica Power Center, OWB and ODI. Experience on design and development of Data Warehouse Architecture for Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), Operational data Store (ODS), Operational Data Marts and Data Marts. Experience in defining metadata standards for the enterprise data warehouse. Experience in design and development of: ETL processes using Dimensional Modeling for ROLAP and MOLAP. o ETL technical architecture. o BI load dependency plan, job scheduling and cycle management. Experience in developing end-to-end Data warehouse ETL routines. Experience in using SQL in advanced analytical functions. Experience in writing complex PL/SQL packages stored Procedures, functions, cursors, triggers, views, and materialized views. Experience in creation of enterprise data Warehouse Test plan, Test script creation and Test Script Execution for different test environments such as System, Integration and User Acceptance. Experience developing optimal approach for obtaining data from diverse source system platforms and moving it to the Enterprise Data Warehouse. Experience in Logical and Physical data Models for enterprise data warehouse and applications. Experience developing and configuring Interactive Dashboards with drill-down capabilities, links/images, HTML objects and folders. Proficient in using the time-series functions to support historical time comparison analysis. Experience with Calculated Measures and assigned Aggregation levels based on Dimension Hierarchies. Qualifications: Bac hel or s deg r ee; MBA or rele va nt tech nical deg r ee preferred. A str o ng backg r o und in technology , a nalysis a nd cr itically e val uati ng i nf o r mat i on gathe r ed fr om m ulti ple s o ur ces. E x perien ce deco m p osi ng hi g h-le vel i n f o r mat i on i n to d etails, disti nguis hi ng user req u ests fr om t he underlying tr ue n eeds, and de ve l o pi ng s ol ut i on ide as fr om r e quir e me nt s. Strong experience writing business requirements documentation (BRDs) and functional requirements documentation (FRDs). P r o ven e x per ience succe ss f ully w orki ng in a t e am se tt i ng and ab ility to rec o nci le c o nfl icts. M i ni m um seven 7-10 ye ars of ex perience in rela ted p r o fess i o nal busi nes s / pr o ject a nal yst ca paci ty. Ex celle nt oral and wr it ten c o m m unicat i on skills. Experience in the housing and financial sector is preferred and a major plus, especially around accounting, bonds, mortgages, underwriting, loans origination and servicing; in addition to, experience around grants, tax credits, property/buildings asset management and compliance reporting. Excellent e x per ience with MS Off i ce 2013/2016 and above as well as design tools and flowcharting tools, e.g. Visio. This j ob descri pt i on is n ot i nt e nded to be all inc lus i ve, a nd em pl o y ee will a lso pe rf orm rea s o na ble r ela ted b usi ness duties as a ssi gned. Wha t we off e r: Exciting opportunity to be part of New Yorks resurgence to greatness; Extensive benefits package including paid leave, excellent health, dental, vision and retirement benefits; Promotional opportunity for dedicated professionals. Thanks and Regards Vinod Kumar ST Global LLC Fax: 206-319-4579 [email protected] www.stglobaltech.com Note: We respect your Online Privacy. This is not an unsolicited mail. 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Sat May 25 02:21:00 UTC 2024 |