
ONSITE ROLE: Business Analyst with Guidewire Claim Center at Lansing, MI at Lansing, Michigan, USA
Email: [email protected]
Harman Singh,
HMG America LLC
[email protected]
Reply to:   [email protected]


This is Harman from HMG America LLC which  is the best Business Solutions focused Information Technology Company with IT consulting and services, software and web development, staff augmentation and other professional services. One of our direct clients is looking for Guidewire Claim Center- Business Analyst. Below is the detailed job description.

Guidewire Claim Center- Business Analyst

Location:  Lansing, MI (Onsite Role)

Duration: 6-12 months 

Job Description:

 Excellent Domain knowledge on P & C Lines of Insurance including Reinsurance handling in order to analyze the business needs of the customer
Elicitation of requirements through meetings, requirement workshops, documents analysis etc.
Need to communicate with the customers to analyze the functional requirements and to come up with Business Requirements Documents supported by other artifacts such as Use Cases, Screen Proto Type etc.
Strong understanding of the product associated with good analytical skills
Preparation of requirement specifications document without any ambiguity
Be the liaison between the business team and development team
Ability to lead the requirements gathering sessions
Ability to do the functional testing based on test scenarios and test cases
Ability to function as a mentor to motivate and train other Business Analysts
Preparation of Management Reports
Should be able to analyze the proposal (RFP) and to come up with appropriate effort estimation in coordination with other team members.

Please fill the matrix as per the Job Description


Rating(out of 5)

Number of years used

Candidate write up

Exp as GW CC BA

Preparation of document without ambiguity

Exp in P & C Lines of Insurance including Reinsurance handling

Preparation of Management Reports

Elicitation of requirements through meetings, workshops, documents etc

Thanks & Regards,

Harmanpreet Singh 

IT Recruiter

HMG America LLC  

[email protected]

[email protected]
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Wed Nov 16 02:26:00 UTC 2022

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