
PL/SQL Developer at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
Role: PL/SQL Developer

Experience:10-15 years

Location: NYC (Hybrid)

Skills: SQL , PL/SQL , Postgres SQL


10+ to 15 years of experience is required, not more than 15 Years.

Experience in data profiling, Strong experience in SQL analytic functions.

Hands-on experience in Writing SQL Procedures, Functions and View.

Strong Knowledge in PostgreSQL  Concepts, experience in Postgres JSON  management.

Hands on Experience in Data Modeling and strong knowledge in Database Design principles

Knowledge on ETL concepts and Source to Target Mappings (STTM's)

Data Quality Rules and Validations - Compare the Business Rules to what is actually in the system, evaluate the over quality of data and gaps

ETL should automate this but you can start after profiling

Knowledge in Data Security and Data Management

Experience in legacy system migration and/or a data integration project

Healthcare experience (Payer or Provider)

A plus to have knowledge around Provider / Claims space.

Knowledge on CI/CD process


Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment information technology procedural language
PL/SQL Developer
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Fri Jun 14 23:01:00 UTC 2024

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