
Local to VA or Nearby Only: Security Architect with NIST 800-53 // Richmond, VA at Richmond, Virginia, USA
Email: [email protected]
IT Security Architect with NIST 800-53 

Richmond, VA (Locals Only)

Duration: 11 Months

This position is for the remediation of the existing SSP
and baseline backlog of submitting new requests

Ensure that the Commonwealth of Virginias security requirements necessary to
protect the organizations missions and business processes are adequately
addressed in all aspects of the architecture including reference models,
segment and solution architectures, and the resulting systems supporting those
missions and business processes while documenting these into a system security


Ability to apply the methods, standards, and approaches for describing,
analyzing, and documenting an organizations security architecture.

Ability to apply cybersecurity and privacy principles to organizational


Employ secure configuration management processes.

Evaluate security architectures and designs to determine the adequacy of
security design and architecture proposed or provided in response to
requirements contained in acquisition document.

Experience with Virginia state government DESIRED. If candidate has prior VA
State gov exp it MUST be clearly reflected on their resume.



Knowledge of NIST 800-53 rev 5


Knowledge of System Security Plan creation
and documentation


Knowledge of cloud infrastructure and
security for a multi-tenant capabilities


Knowledge of multi-level security systems
and cross domain solutions


Skill in applying and incorporating
cybersecurity requirements into proposed solutions


Skill to identify cybersecurity and privacy
issues that stem from connections with internal and external customer and
partner organizations


Experience with Virginia state government
desired. If candidate has prior VA State gov exp it MUST be clearly reflected
on their resume.


Thanks and Regards

Vinod Kumar

ST Global LLC

Fax: 206-319-4579

[email protected]


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Keywords: information technology Virginia
Local to VA or Nearby Only: Security Architect with NIST 800-53 // Richmond, VA
[email protected]
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Thu Jun 27 00:53:00 UTC 2024

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