
Azure DBA (Remote ) at Redmond, Washington, USA
Email: [email protected]


HMG America llc

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Role: Azure Database Administrator

Primary Skill: Azure DBA, Azure DevOps

Exp: 10-12 Yrs.

Location: Redmond, WA/Remote

Job Description:
Deploy and configure Azure database services: The Azure DBA is responsible for deploying and configuring Azure database services, including Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and Azure Database for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB.
Manage Azure database storage: The Azure DBA is responsible for managing Azure database storage, including configuring and optimizing storage structures, allocating disk space, and managing storage capacity.
Backup and recovery Azure databases: The Azure DBA is responsible for creating and implementing backup and recovery strategies to ensure data availability and protection against data loss in Azure database services.
Monitor and tune Azure database performance: The Azure DBA is responsible for monitoring Azure database performance and optimizing database performance by identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks, optimizing queries, and tuning database parameters.
Ensure Azure database security and compliance: The Azure DBA is responsible for ensuring Azure database security and compliance, including implementing access controls, managing user accounts, and implementing security policies and procedures.
Manage Azure database upgrades and migrations: The Azure DBA is responsible for managing Azure database upgrades and migrations, including planning and executing upgrades and migrations to ensure the integrity of data and minimize downtime.
Implement disaster recovery strategies: The Azure DBA is responsible for implementing disaster recovery strategies to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster or outage.
Collaborate with stakeholders: The Azure DBA collaborates with stakeholders, including developers, operations teams, and business analysts, to understand their requirements and ensure that the Azure database systems meet their needs.
Stay up to date with Azure database technologies: The Azure DBA stays up-to-date with the latest Azure database technologies, including emerging features and best 

Keywords: database Washington
Azure DBA (Remote )
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Thu Jun 27 02:34:00 UTC 2024

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Location: Redmond, Washington