
Urgent Hiring for Oracle |Siebel CRM at Oracle, Arizona, USA
Email: rbid@vyzeinc.com

Rohit Kumar Bid,

Vyze Inc


Reply to:   rbid@vyzeinc.com

JOB TITLE : Oracle /Siebel CRM

Duration: 6+ Month

Location: Remote

Visa: USC/GC

MOI: Skype

Need Candidates with LinkedIn before 2021


*Oracle/Siebel (CRM) experience nice to have

*Custom code written in JavaScript, if they have both would be fantastic, but very hard to find

*Any general UI experience nice to have

*Small amount of code updates, some prod issues, most part will be 70% going in, looking at code to see what it is currently doing, document that, train current support team. Legacy code, folks on the team know don't know what it's doing, so need someone who can document that

Tools in the environment listed below, they are NOT ALL REQUIRED

Mid to senior, can work by themselves to figure out, train MISO team and document

Oracle Siebel experience

JavaScript experience

DB, SQL queries, TOAD, Exadata

Siebel eScript

Siebel Webtools

Siebel Migration Application

Siebel Workflows

Siebel Integrations with REST API

Siebel IP22.10 or higher

*Email: rbid@vyzeinc.com*

Keywords: user interface database information technology green card
Urgent Hiring for Oracle |Siebel CRM
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Sat Jul 13 02:23:00 UTC 2024

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