
Role Seasoned Scrum master at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
Role Seasoned Scrum master

Experience: 10 Years

Location US (Remote)

JD below:

Current pain Point
 - Their current problem with the existing team is these current scrum masters handle daily scrums and then vanish. They do not take accountability of anything and does not drive the project with the team, release management etc.

They are looking for Scrum Masters to manage their Salesforce Call Center application and their digital marketing .org site. Both the .org site and the enterprise scheduling tool are home grown products and there is no external platform associated with those.

Looking for Seasoned candidates that are self-driven and will deep dive with the teams. They are not looking for facilitators but more leaders who will jump in and assist team members, eliminate blockers, and help coordinate planning and refinement sessions.

Understand the priorities , drive the product requirements in tandem with the teams and take decisions also is versed with release management process. There is a lot of release work that the person should be able to drive and should have clear understanding of that.

Manage and drive the Salesforce platform.

Not mandatory to have Salesforce experience but good to have.

Should know Agile methodologies. They use version 1 so it is okay if this tools skillset is not available they can help the candidate with KT and then bring them up to speed.


Keywords: information technology
Role Seasoned Scrum master
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Tue Jul 23 21:10:00 UTC 2024

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