
Urgent Need | Network Operation | New york city, NY - Hybrid at New York City, New York, USA
Email: [email protected]
Rate: $40/Hr.

Title-Network Operation

Location - New york city, NY - Hybrid

Mandotory Skill-

Hands on expereince in Palo Alto


Network security

Location - New york city,
NY - Hybrid

Skills Required

General Skills:

The team must be able to manage the
flow of approved firewall requests in ServiceNow and standard changes
which must accompany each implementation.

User communication will include
notification of the change being scheduled and one for completion with a
request for the user to test the implementation.

Any issues with the implementation
must be remediated if the issue lies with the firewall any change to
requirements must be reapproved by Information Security.

In order to determine where a rule
will be implemented the firewall engineer must be able to analyse the
associated systems and documentation to correctly identify the, possibly
multiple, devices which require configuration to complete the request.

Point Skills:

Engineers must be skilled in the following

Check Point systems and

Check Point MDS management system
(R77 and R80)

Accessing the security policy from
the SmartDashboard

Amending or creating objects in the

Amending or creating security rules
in the policy

Validating and saving the policy

Committing the policy and
verification that the commit is successful

Access and filter the Check Point
logs from the SmartView

Tracker Basic troubleshooting and
verification of traffic from the TrackerPalo Alto Skills

must be skilled in the following Palo Alto systems and processes:

Palo Alto Panorama management
system (PanOS 8.1)

Understand device groups and common

Understand Security Profile Groups
and able to decide when to apply a group based on requirements

Accessing the security policy and
objects from Panorama Amending or creating objects in Panorama Amending or
creating security rules in Panorama Preview, validation and commit of the
policy to Panorama Preview, validation and commit of the policy to the correct
device group Verification that the commit is successful

Access and filter logs from the
Panorama monitor tab Basic troubleshooting and verification of traffic
from the available logs

Coat SkillsEngineers must be skilled in the following Blue Coat systems and

Symantec Blue Coat ProxySG Visual
Policy Manager (VPM)

Understand Blue Coat policy layers

Amending or creating objects in VPM

Amending or creating rules in VPM
Install policy and verify that the install is successful

Create a policy trace Basic
troubleshooting and verification of traffic from the available logs and
trace files

Desirable Skills:

Experience of using Splunk - Client
forwards the device logs to Splunk which can greatly assist in
verification and troubleshooting rule implementation

Experience of using Tufin Client is
in the process of implementing Tufin for firewall rule management and

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Keywords: information technology New York
Urgent Need | Network Operation | New york city, NY - Hybrid
[email protected]
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