
Local to VA Only: Business Analyst 4 in Chesterfield, VA at Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
Email: [email protected]
Business Analyst 4

Location: Chesterfield, VA

Duration: 6 Months



Project manager will be managing the project while the business analyst takes
point for process modeling for current-state , coupled with requirements
definition to support process roles and end user experience leveraging an
online reservation and permitting platforms (1.5 months). Followed by
future-state process modeling by partnering with subject matter expert platform
implementer to lean and automate current state and define best self-service
experience for constituents 1.5 months). 2-3 months to track implementation
against requirements, process flows. Shift focus to guide teams in role-based
testing plan and execution.

1) Business Analysis
Process Engineering

a. Lead multiple departments through current-state process flows and associated
role definition as well as role gapsin current state reservation and permitting

b. Lead same departments through future state vision and operations
future-state process flows and associated procedural documentation for business
operations reflecting utilization with contributions from selected solution
implementation subject matter expert.

c. Lead the project sponsors, project customers and project manager through
prioritization of the gaps and development of recommendation to address the
gaps exposed for business process change, platform automation.

d. Lead business and platform implementer through definition of platform
submission flows and communication methods for smooth and well-informed
constituent self-service experience and vendor self-service experience.

2) Test Execution

a. Develop the project Test Management Plan utilizing the IST Project
Management Office template.

b. Where necessary, work with the business and vendor to refine requirements in
areas specificity is required to ensure the resulting requirements are testable.

c. Provide oversight and guidance to business test leads in development of
comprehensive, manually executed functionality test scripts for user testing,
interface testing and data testing. Responsible for ensuring quality of test
scripts that are developed.

Work with project manager,
3rd party implementer and departments to carry out test plan and test scenario



years req

Years Used

Last Used

attention to detail and accuracy in document review



with documentation related to community development and regulation (land
management, permitting, inspections, etc.)



organizational and time management skills



communication skills and ability to work effectively in a team environment



Thanks and Regards

Vinod Kumar

ST Global LLC

Fax: 206-319-4579

[email protected]


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Keywords: information technology Virginia
Local to VA Only: Business Analyst 4 in Chesterfield, VA
[email protected]
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