
Local to VA: Power Platform Developer :: Richmond, VA - Hybrid at Richmond, Virginia, USA
Email: [email protected]
Title: DCR - Power Platform Developer

Location: Richmond, VA (Hybrid)

Duration: 9 Months

ON SITE REQUIRED: 3 days per week (Parking is NOT provided for contractors)


Mgr will do initial virtual IVs however they reserve the option to do follow up IN PERSON interview if requested. Pls make sure your candidate is aware of this and agrees to this arrangement if selected that this could be requested.


A Power Platform Developer is needed to design, develop, and implement solutions using Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI to create custom business applications. This includes, but is not limited to developing, implementing, testing and maintaining custom automations using the Microsoft Power Automate and Power Apps.

The successful candidate will:

1) Work with agency Finance and other IT staff to implement an automated invoice processing solution using the Power Platform.

2) Develop dashboards using Power BI

3) Design and build tailored apps for specific business processes and workflows

4) Automate repetitive tasks and business processes

5) Build approval workflows, data collection from forms, and notification systems

6) Design and implement data models using MS Dataverse

7) Build connectors to integrate external data sources

8) Create intuitive user interfaces using Power Apps canvas

9) Incorporate AI models for tasks like text recognition

10) Embed Power BI reports and dashboards within Power Apps

11) Create interactive data visualizations and analytics tools

Thanks and Regards

Vinod Kumar

ST Global LLC

Fax: 206-319-4579

[email protected]


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Keywords: artificial intelligence business intelligence information technology microsoft Virginia
Local to VA: Power Platform Developer :: Richmond, VA - Hybrid
[email protected]
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Sat Aug 24 01:16:00 UTC 2024

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