
Python Developer with Java to Phoenix Arizona Looking H1B Consultant at Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Email: [email protected]

Manasa S,

iTech US INC

[email protected]

Reply to:   [email protected]

Hi, Greetings,

This is Manasa from ITech US Inc. Given below are the details of the position with one of our clients and was wondering if you would be interested or can recommend someone who would be interested in this job.

Job Title: Python Developer

Location: Phoenix Arizona

One site from Day one

 Exp : 9+ Years 

We are looking for H1 B candidates from Third-party Vendors

Job Description:

              Strong programming skills in Python programming language

              Experience with writing and testing Python code, debugging for various projects.

              Familiarity with popular Python frameworks such as Django, Flask or Pyramid.

              Familiarity with distributed storage systems like DB2, Sybase / Sybase IQ, MongoDB

              Familiarity with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines especially using Git

              Working knowledge of Unix/Linux experience

Should you be interested, please send me a copy of your resume in word format along with the following details ASAP.

Full Name:

Current Location:

Work Authorization:

Willing to work onsite:

Earliest Available date to start:

Date and times available to interview:

LinkedIn : 

Thanks & Regards 

Manasa Salla

Sr Technical Recruiter

iTech US, Inc

[email protected]



Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment
Python Developer with Java to Phoenix Arizona Looking H1B Consultant
[email protected]
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Thu Sep 19 03:50:00 UTC 2024

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