
Actively Looking - Product Owner - Seattle, Washington (Onsite) at Seattle, Washington, USA
Email: [email protected]

Hope you are doing well today! My name is Ajay Reddy, and I am a senior recruiter working with ITech US Inc. If you are currently looking for new opportunities. I have an exciting opportunity
with one of our clients in Seattle, Washington (Onsite). Please let me know if you are interested. Below are the job details for your review.

Role: Product Owner - Airline domain

Duration: Long term Contract

Location: Seattle, Washington (Onsite)

Job Description

Products Owner skills including backlog grooming, refinement, prioritization, feature / user stories creation, sprint planning, lead & contribute agile ceremonies.
Keep a close track of the sprint deliverables. Work with the team and delivers features as per the milestones, lead sprint demo.
Manages technology projects or multiple technical and Line of Business workstreams within the broader project or program. Develops, implements, and monitors deliverables across cross-functional
teams. Contributes expertise to major project deliverables, milestones, and required tasks.
Provides insight on best practices and common obstacles based on prior experiences.
Communicates project status and issues regularly to stakeholders, including leaders, team members, and senior managers.
Builds and maintains effective relationships. Proactively fosters communication between internal and external project stakeholders. Influences key decisions across stakeholder groups.
Proactively identifies, manages, and mitigates risks and any related issues on technology projects. Communicates solutions on key issues or projects to management and stakeholders to
obtain their input and buy-in as appropriate.
Participates in special projects and performs other duties as assigned.
Have consulting acumen to support business development and practice development initiatives by creating mindshare artifacts in the airlines and travel space.
Excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills.
Minimum of eight years related work experience as a product owner.
Undergraduate degree in related field (Computer Science, Engineering,) required.
Airline domain knowledge is a must.
Good understanding of the data, delta lakehouse, data platforms, databases and queries.


Ajay Reddy

iTech US Inc.

Linked IN:


Keywords: access management information technology
Actively Looking - Product Owner - Seattle, Washington (Onsite)
[email protected]
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Thu Sep 26 23:57:00 UTC 2024

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