
Sharepoint Developer in Pittsburgh, PA at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
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Manasa Salla,


[email protected]

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This is Manasa from ITech US Inc. Given below are the details of the position with one of our clients and was wondering if you would be interested or can recommend someone who would be interested in this job.

Job Role : Sharepoint Developer

Job Location:: Pittsburgh, PA

12+ Months

We are looking for H1 B candidates from Third-party Vendors

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manasa-salla-0836711a8

Role Description:

Minimum 4-8 years of experience working as Microsoft Azure Developer and SharePoint Online Developer. SharePoint Online Developer with crucial role in designing, developing, and maintaining SharePoint sites and applications. Develop, customize, and manage applications that integrates with Azure cloud services. Hands on experience with Azure automation, Azure DevOps, Pipelines and Microsoft Power Platform (power automate, power apps) integration with APIs. Site provisioning with scalable automation solutions using PnP PowerShell and SPO management shell. Build custom forms and workflows. Analyzing the defects and its impact, proposing workaround for the issue. Application Development and Support experience Responsible for development and maintenance of Azure automation solutions managing SharePoint Online. Integrate SharePoint Online with Azure cloud services. Work in agile model and provide quick solutions that are efficient and compliant to organization guidelines. Be a subject matter expert.


Digital : Microsoft Azure, SharePoint 2016

Experience (Years):


Essential Skills:

Minimum 4-8 years of experience working as Microsoft Azure Developer and SharePoint Online Developer. SharePoint Online Developer with crucial role in designing, developing, and maintaining SharePoint sites and applications. Develop, customize, and manage applications that integrates with Azure cloud services. Hands on experience with Azure automation, Azure DevOps, Pipelines and Microsoft Power Platform (power automate, power apps) integration with APIs. Site provisioning with scalable automation solutions using PnP PowerShell and SPO management shell. Build custom forms and workflows. Analyzing the defects and its impact, proposing workaround for the issue. Application Development and Support experience Responsible for development and maintenance of Azure automation solutions managing SharePoint Online. Integrate SharePoint Online with Azure cloud services. Work in agile model and provide quick solutions that are efficient and compliant to organization guidelines. Be a subject matter expert.

Desirable Skills:

Minimum 4-8 years of experience working as Microsoft Azure Developer and SharePoint Online Developer. SharePoint Online Developer with crucial role in designing, developing, and maintaining SharePoint sites and applications. Develop, customize, and manage applications that integrates with Azure cloud services. Hands on experience with Azure automation, Azure DevOps, Pipelines and Microsoft Power Platform (power automate, power apps) integration with APIs. Site provisioning with scalable automation solutions using PnP PowerShell and SPO management shell. Build custom forms and workflows. Analyzing the defects and its impact, proposing workaround for the issue. Application Development and Support experience Responsible for development and maintenance of Azure automation solutions managing SharePoint Online. Integrate SharePoint Online with Azure cloud services. Work in agile model and provide quick solutions that are efficient and compliant to organization guidelines. Be a subject matter expert.

Keywords: Pennsylvania
Sharepoint Developer in Pittsburgh, PA
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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania