
Data Engineer with Apache Calcite || REMOTE || NO H1b at Apache, Oklahoma, USA
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Winorbit technology

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Data Engineer with  

Apache Calcite

No visa requirements.

Manufacturing client.

Project Overview

This project aims to implement a semantic layer over multiple disparate data sourcesEpicor, Shop Floor Connect, and Visibilityby leveraging Apache Calcite's schema discovery capabilities. The semantic layer will provide a unified, business-friendly view of the data, simplifying data access for end-users such as sales representatives, managers, and analysts.

Project Objectives

Automatic Detection of Data Structures: Utilize Apache Calcite's schema

discovery to automatically understand the structure of the underlying databases,

reducing manual ePort.

Unified View of Disparate Systems: Create a unified logical schema that integrates data from Epicor, Shop Floor Connect, and Visibility.

Mapping Business Concepts to Data: Map business concepts onto the underlying technical data structures to build a semantic layer.

Simplifying Query Creation and Optimization: Provide an easy-to-use interface for querying data without needing technical knowledge.

Federated Queries Across Multiple Data Sources: Enable retrieval and joining of

data from diPerent databases in a single query.

Enhancing Flexibility and Scalability: Ensure the semantic layer adapts dynamically to changes in the underlying data schemas.

Project Scope

Data Sources:

o Epicor: Sales and financial data.

o Shop Floor Connect: Production data.

o Visibility: Business intelligence and reporting data.

Technologies: Apache Calcite, database connectors, and ETL tools as needed.

Deliverables: Operational semantic layer, documentation, training materials, and

deployment plans.

Data Engineer with Apache Calcite || REMOTE || NO H1b
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Tue Oct 01 00:37:00 UTC 2024

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