
RPA Developer || REMOTE || USC at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: [email protected]


Winorbit technology

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Position: Robotic Process Automation Developer

Location: Remote

Term: 6 months +

Visa: USC


* RPA Platforms: Use RPA Tools such as UiPath and Microsoft Power Automate Desktop to automate manual processes.

* SQL/API: Write queries in T-SQL and the utilize of stored procedures. Call or create and consume RESTful APIs, create/edit XML, JSON, and authentication mechanisms such as JSON Web Tokens.

* Analysis: Analyze requirements or existing business processes and make recommendations or proposed documentation on how to design bots to perform those processes in an efficient manner.

* Bot Creation: Create attended and unattended bot solutions. Create chatbots and APIs which can trigger a bot to be activated.

Deliverables: Attended Bots, Unattended Bots, Chatbots, APIs.

* Bot Governance: Administer RPA tool environments, properly cataloging and organizing bots by function or business area. Conduct periodic analysis of bot usage to determine licensing needs and potential infrastructure changes needed to support it.

Deliverables: Bot Catalog, Licensing & Infrastructure Recommendations.

* Bot Documentation: For every bot solution created, document the bot's overall functionality, dependencies, and business value.

Deliverables: Bot Documentation.


Any UI path professional Automation certification

Any MS Power RPA developer

Thanks and Regards

Vaibhav Yadav

Phone: +1 813-412-5599



Keywords: user interface information technology microsoft
RPA Developer || REMOTE || USC
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Wed Oct 02 21:09:00 UTC 2024

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