
Enterprise Technical Architect (Remote) at Enterprise, Utah, USA
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HMG America llc

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Enterprise Technical Architect



Deep understanding of IT applications, integrations and data dependencies.

Expertise in data migration, system integration, and IT architecture design.

Strong technical problem-solving skills, with experience in IT transitions related to company splits or divestitures.

Key Responsibilities:

Assess the existing IT landscape and identify components that need to be split, migrated, or replicated between the two organizations.

Design the technical architecture for both organizations, ensuring seamless data flows and system integration.

Develop a data migration strategy, including ensuring data integrity, security, and compliance during the split.

Collaborate with the Process Consultant to ensure that the IT applications and infrastructure supports the new business processes for both the organizations

Provide technical leadership and guidance on IT-related issues during the transition.

Required Skills:

Deep understanding of IT applications, integrations and data dependencies.

Expertise in data migration, system integration, and IT architecture design.

Strong technical problem-solving skills, with experience in IT transitions related to company splits or divestitures.

Keywords: information technology
Enterprise Technical Architect (Remote)
[email protected]
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Fri Oct 04 19:12:00 UTC 2024

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