
Middleware Application Engineer OR Web OR Cloud Application Administrator - LAM _ Sunnyvale, CA at Sunnyvale, California, USA
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We have the below requirement with our client. Kindly go through the JD below and let me know your interest

Role name: Engineer

Sunnyvale, CA

Duration : Contarct

Role Description:

Web/Cloud Application Administrator

Experience for configuring the infrastructure and installing applications on Windows IIS hosted platform

Ability to set up and administer Microsoft IIS web sites and Apache Tomcat server and perform application code promotions and

Having good experience in Installation, Configuration, Deploying Applications, Troubleshooting, Performance Tuning and Maintenance of IIS

Collaborating with application teams examining deployment requirements (software requirements)

Reviewing application installation documentation

Assist with application release process, improvements, and automation

Perform in-depth technical root cause analysis for high-priority IIS issues

In-depth knowledge of Microsoft Azure web and application services deployment and administration

Executing the installation and automating the installation process

Coordinating with vendors and other internal teams to ensure that any issues are quickly resolved

Collaborate with Infrastructure and Application Development teams to ensure optimal performance of IIS websites

Hands-on experience of Azure DevOps and CI/CD Pipeline

Through understating of Microsoft Azure web and application services

Hands-on coding experience (Java or .NET) with ability to review code for best practices

Ability to write automation scripts using PowerShell

Setup and administration of Azure DevOps and CI/CD Pipeline

Provide administrative support for application teams through configuring build agents and team projects, troubleshooting user issues, and recommending on CI/CD capabilities

Advanced knowledge of application development configuration management processes (repos/build/release)

Competencies: RFID Middleware

Experience (Years): 6-8

Best Regards,

Jessica(Bhargavi Jalthar)|Sr Technical Recruiter| Email: [email protected]

Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment golang California
Middleware Application Engineer OR Web OR Cloud Application Administrator - LAM _ Sunnyvale, CA
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Tue Oct 15 02:03:00 UTC 2024

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