
Hadoop Admin _ Aguadilla at Remote, Remote, USA
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We have the below requirement with our client. Kindly go through the JD below and let me know your interest

Role name:Engineer


Duration : Contract

Role Description:

1. Monitoring the above technologies / jobs via Nagios/ Incinga, using custom NRPE modules. Additionally, CM and other custom scripts leveraging Python & Bash are sometimes necessary (eg kafka consumer lag).

2. Creative troubleshooting and resolution for failures of any kind (hardware failures, job failures, services failures, health failures, missing data, etc).

3. Linux configuration management (via Puppet polices, when possible, hand curated for one-offs and snowflakes).

4. Data analysis. As data experts, we help diagnose and answer data related questions, leveraging datapoints within our clickstream data (eg: http headers, cookies, call-chaining, referrer, etc)

5. Dev support. Both for our own developer and the many teams who have integrated with Hadoop/Kafka/Qlik.

6. As jobs are fixed/updated/enhanced, we QA and deploy them.

7. As performance issues are discovered, diagnose the root cause, tune and optimize.

8. handle patching, upgrading, migrating, etc for the entire ecosystem.

9. handle all Hadoop related Jira tickets.

10. Answer all questions and concerns as they come up via Teams or email.

11. handle all security related issues: concerns, access, requests, auditing - both on-prem and in the cloud.

12. participate in an on-call rotation.

Competencies: Digital : BigData and Hadoop Ecosystems, Digital : Cloudera Hadoop Administrator

Experience (Years): 8-10

Essential Skills:

The following is a list of the technologies Big Data Ops owns and manages:-

CDH: CDSW (Cloudera Data Science Workbench)

CM (Cloudera Manager)











Linux configuration management-

Kafka:PrometheusDocker / Docker-ComposeJmx-exporterGrafana dashboards

Kafka-uiKM (Kafka Manager)

- Qlik (CDC Replication):QEM (Qlik Enterprise Manager)

Replication Services - GCP: BQ Dataproc GCS Pubsub / export jobs - Starburst / Presto / Trino- Superset- MariaDb- Mysql- Redis- Flume- Kerberos- Nifi- Storm

Desirable Skills: Replication Services

Best Regards,

Jessica(Bhargavi Jalthar)|Sr Technical Recruiter| Email: [email protected]

Keywords: quality analyst golang
Hadoop Admin _ Aguadilla
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Tue Oct 15 02:46:00 UTC 2024

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