
SQL DBA or DB Engineer Developer at Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
 (Green card Profiles not accepted)

Role: SQL DBA or DB Engineer/Developer

Experience: 10 years

Location: Phoenix, AZ (Onsite)

Skills: Oracle DB , DevOps , Java or Golang, Kotlin

Relevant Experience: 
+ Years

Mandatory Skills:
 Oracle DB, Devops, Java/Golang or any other similar technologies.

Roles & Responsibilities

8+ years of software development experience looking for a candidate with DB Admin background (could be for regular RDBMSs like Oracle or on Cloud), but has specific experience tuning the Clusters that run the Big Query Datawarehouse on GCP.

GCP experience is a must have along with basic RDBMs fundamentals required of a DB Admin, such as, Performance Monitoring & Tuning, some SQL knowledge, Security & Access Control, and basic relational/RDBMS theory.


Keywords: database information technology Arizona
SQL DBA or DB Engineer Developer
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Fri Nov 01 22:21:00 UTC 2024

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Location: Phoenix, Arizona