
Senior Workday Integration Developer at Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Email: [email protected]

Vipin kumar,

Tek inspirations

[email protected]

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Job Description -RESUMES MUST HAVE ALL THE SKILLS MENTIONED IN JD Senior Workday Integration DeveloperLocation: Charlotte NC , can be remote  3 to 4 Rounds of Interview(2 or 3 round with CAPCO and 1 round with Baring)MUST HAVE LINKEDINCANDIDATES MUST FROM EST ZONE ONLYMUST HAVE BANKING AND FINANCE INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE From Barings: None of the candidates we have interviewed have quite hit the mark, based on the feedback that hiring manager has provided some areas for you and to dig into to help screen new candidates.The number of companies and countries where they have worked on PECI

What are the benefits of PECI/WECI
Full Stack of Worker Data
Data Corrections
Data Rescinds
Future Transactions
Retro Transactions
Indirect Changes
Transmits each payroll change for each worker sequentially and includes the effective date and data entry date for each change

What is a major limitation of PICOF
PICOF cannot handle corrections or rescinds at all - it just generates an HTML report with potential issues that has to be manually reviewed and actioned.

Experience with CCB (cloud connect benefits)

(If experience with CCB=yes) What is ANSI ASC X12N 834 format (EDI 834 format) and what are some example segment types
Standard file format in the United States for electronically exchanging health plan enrollment data
Segment types: INS, REF, DTP, NM1, N3, N4, DMG, HD

If an integration requires custom employment status values, what type of calc field(s) would you use
Evaluate expression or Evaluate expression band

Must Have:
Complex calc fields
Prioritization skills, attention to detail, understanding of HR functions, ability to facilitate requirements gathering / documentation

Nice to Have:

Keywords: information technology North Carolina
Senior Workday Integration Developer
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Sat Nov 02 00:13:00 UTC 2024

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Location: Charlotte, North Carolina