
Senior PostgreSQL Database Engineer with 10+ and 100% remote at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: [email protected]


Bluecube Tech

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Position Title

Senior PostgreSQL Database Engineer

Labor Category


Key Required Skills:

Knowledge of automated methods and best practices for installation and configuration of PostgreSQL and other SQL product tools. Solid experience with Open Source PostgreSQL

Position Description:

The Senior PostgreSQL Database Engineer has subject matter expertise and
experience functioning as a PostgreSQL database engineer and administrator, supporting our customer by providing design, build, configuration, test, update, documentation, implementation, operational support, and upgrades for PostgreSQL Open Source (Community Edition). The candidate shall demonstrate extensive knowledge in PostgreSQL database administration and best practices. The candidate shall demonstrate knowledge of cloud solutions and services in a hybrid cloud environment. The candidate must be self-motivated, be able to collaborate in a team environment, and show initiative to support and promote solutions that enhance the modern development environment

Skills Requirements:

Required Skills:

These skills will help you succeed in this position:

Excellent ability to communicate with team and customer regarding activities supported

Solid experience with Open Source PostgreSQL

Knowledge of automated methods and best practices for installation and configuration of PostgreSQL and other SQL product tools

Knowledge of the PostgreSQL architecture and internals

Strong experience with Database Administration tasks such as index creation and management, integrity checks, configuration, patching, statistics

Documentation skills for creating processes and procedures

PostgreSQL database operational support skills for educating application development and testing users

Strong experience with database performance factors, monitoring tools, and tuning procedures

Expert skills in Database Management including backup and recovery procedures

Strong problem determination skills and root cause analysis

Experience with GIT or other source control tools

Experience with scripting

Desired Skills:

Showcase your knowledge of modern development through the following experience or skills:

DEVOPS experience a plus

Automation using Liquibase or other schema management tools

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Wed Dec 07 01:00:00 UTC 2022

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