
AWS Cloud Engineer at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: [email protected]



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Role:AWS Cloud Engineer


Contract:6 Months

Visa: Expect OPT and CPT

EXP: 12+


AWS Cloud Engineer

AWS, DevOps, Terraform, Github

Job Description:

Design, deploy, and manage AWS infrastructure resources including EC2, RDS, VPC, Subnets, NACLs, S3, Lambda, FSx, AWS Transfer Family, IAM, KMS, and Secret Manager.

Utilize Terraform for infrastructure as code to automate cloud resource creation.

Troubleshoot and resolve day-to-day cloud infrastructure issues.

Implement AWS security best practices, including IAM roles and policies, KMS, and Secret Manager.

Configure and manage AWS Single Sign-On (SSO).

Manage Windows and Linux servers, and Active Directory setup and management.

Oversee DNS management and user management.

Leverage DevOps tools such as Jenkins and GitHub for CI/CD processes.

Deploy AWS resources using Terraform and DevOps methodologies.

Set up and manage Palo Alto firewalls for network security.

Experience with AWS data services and exposure to containerization technologies is a plus.

Utilize Datadog for monitoring (optional) and Prisma Cloud and Cloudability for cloud governance and cost management (optional).

Provide expertise in the pharmaceutical domain (preferred but not mandatory).
Warm Regards
US IT Recruiting
Fluxtek Solution Inc
Email : [email protected]

Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment sthree information technology Texas
AWS Cloud Engineer
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Thu Dec 26 23:46:00 UTC 2024

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