
DSP Systems Engineer at San Jose, California, USA
Email: [email protected]

shrasti singh,


[email protected]

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Job Description -
Title - DSP Systems Engineer - It is for an ASIC / physical designer who specializes in Synthesis
Location - San Jose, CA
Visa - Any Visa Exept H1B
Feedback on subs weve sent down. 

IR Sub-Interview Ruled out- Hung is good at general RTL engineer. I was hoping that he had extensive experience with Tensilica and more DSP blocks. Lets look for more DSP experience.

LK Sub-Eric is a general RTL engineer. We need someone that has experience with PHY layer design or DSP blocks that are in WiFi, GNSS, BLE,  chips. Not necessarily designing DSP algorithms but with RTL design experience related to those blocks.

TB Sub- More on Firmware and a bit of RTL but not relevant DSP experience.

NP Sub- No he is an FPGA engineer but no experience in the hardwire DSP engine designs that we are dealing with.

NP-Ruled out

Must have the linkedln
DSP Systems Engineer Job Description We are looking for a qualified and highly motivated candidate for the development of signal processing RTL blocks and subsequent implementations. This will be a hands-on position, designing/implementing critical DSP blocks. Requirements 

MS or PhD degree emphasis in ASIC and DSP design 
Five or more years of experience in RTL design using Verilog and System Verilog
Experience in developing & optimizing DSP related RTL blocks and test and verification of DSP blocks Previous exposure to physical layer of communication chips such as Wi-Fi, BLE, GNSS, or cellular is a plus 
Design of state machines, data paths, arbitration, and clock domain crossing logic 
Logic synthesis support, FPGA implementation, Timing constraints
Exposure to Design for Test, understanding of scan concept and writing DFT friendly RTL
Unified Power Format for simulation, synthesis, and electrical rule checking Equivalence checking 
Accurate power estimation for RTL blocks 
Committed to producing high-quality design 
Team player and excellent interpersonal, communication and writing skills

Keywords: information technology microsoft California Wisconsin
DSP Systems Engineer
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Fri Dec 27 00:19:00 UTC 2024

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Location: San Jose, California