
Remote Urgent Hiring ||SAP Integration Solution Architect at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: umaaglobalapplications@gmail.com
Hope you are doing well.

Job Title:  SAP Integration Solution Architect
Location:  US (Remote)
Exp Range: 9+ Years

Expertise in cloud platforms, third party integrators, and microservices architecture.
Excellent problem-solving and communication skills.
End to end ecom solution architect who has experience working on MP integrations like Amazon, Flipkart, Zolando etc. Experience on integration with SAP    
Strong background in marketplace technologies, including multi-vendor systems, dynamic pricing, and payment gateways.
Expertise in integrating with platforms such as Amazon will be highly valuable. 
Strong understanding of the end-to-end e-commerce landscape, that includes working experience in any OMS, WMS, and shipping aggregators


Thanks & Regards 

Uma Adhikari(
US IT Recruiter)

Mamsys World


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Keywords: information technology California
Remote Urgent Hiring ||SAP Integration Solution Architect
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Wed Jan 15 20:32:00 UTC 2025

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