
QlikSense Senior Developer -- Chicago, IL at Chicago, Illinois, USA
Email: randhir.kumar@quantumworldit.com

Randhir Kumar,

quantum world Inc


Reply to:   randhir.kumar@quantumworldit.com

Mandatory Skill* Total 6 Plus Years of Industry experience in Report, Dashboards & visualizations designing and development.* 4 Plus Years Expertise in QlikSense development* Strong in DWH concepts and working experience in Oracle, SQL server* Ability to optimize dashboards with huge volume of data* Must have good knowledge of Oracle (Worked on Dynamic SQL queries and written complex SQL queries for troubleshooting)* Strong SQL skills on large scale databases* Ability to understand data models* Writing technical specifications and design documents* Experience in code promotion to prod environment as part of enhancement or release* Excellent problem solving, debugging and performance tuning skills* Should have experience in production support* Good verbal and written communication skill* Ability to drive the meeting with customers/vendorsJob Description* Ability to analyze and design Report, Dashboards & visualizations designing, and development based on business requirements* Regular meeting with Client, Business and Technical Architects to understand the business requirement, designing the solution with no negative impact on existing functionality.* Understand the business requirements and document it in efficient manner, so during the development phase Task can executed smoothly* Ready to cross leverage in other technology if project demands* Always ready to help and mentor to junior team members* Work in SQL area based on the Project requirements* Manage regular onshore, offshore connect and Client Status meetings* Prepare and share Project status report on regular basis* Able to analyze and propose solutions for compliance issues and deviations* Able to manage multiple priorities, projects, deliverables, and stakeholders"

Keywords: information technology
QlikSense Senior Developer -- Chicago, IL
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Wed Jan 29 11:11:00 UTC 2025

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