
MERN Stack Developer || REMOTE || No H1b at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: [email protected]


Winorbit technology

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Position: MERN Stack Developer

Duration: 6MO C2H

Remote role

No H1B

Preferred Skills:

         2-4 years of programming/development experience preferred.

        Experience with MERN stack technology.

        A MERN stack developer should be an expert in MongoDB, Express, React and Node .

        Expected to be proficient in JavaScript and use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to handle front-end operations and JavaScript with Node.js to handle back-end operations.

        Rectify is a nice to have for this role.

        Delivery Intermediate delivery skills including the ability to estimate accurate timelines for tasks and deliver work at a steady, predictable pace to achieve commitments,

        Problem Solving Strong problem solver who ensures solutions are built for the long term, is able to resolve new issues, recognizes mistakes using them as learning and teaching opportunities

        Communication Strong communicator who possesses the ability to articulate information clearly and concisely with the business, document work in a clear, easy to follow manner, collaborate well with team members as both a mentor and mentee, take in vague requirements and ask the right questions to ensure clarification, offer feedback appropriately and effectively, seek out and receives constructive criticism well, listen when others are speaking and make space for colleagues to share their thoughts.

Thanks and Regards


Phone: +1 831-731-8629

Email: [email protected]

Keywords: javascript
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Mon Jan 30 20:32:00 UTC 2023

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