Urgent Requirement || Senior Software Engineer (C++ Embedded) || Fairfield, CT2 Months of Initial Remote then onsite at Fairfield, New Jersey, USA |
Email: [email protected] |
From: jatin parashar, Vyze Inc [email protected] Reply to: [email protected] Hi, I hope you are doing well, Job Description - Position: Senior Software Engineer (C++ Embedded) Location: Fairfield, CT 2 Months of Initial Remote then onsite Duration: 18 months Visa (No L1 or L2) Exp: 10+ Senior Software Design Engineer Job Description As a Software Design Engineer your responsibility includes: Wo r k i ng in a t eam of h i g hly sk ill ed so ftw are eng i nee rs res pons i b l e fo r deve l op i ng so ftw are th a t enab l es t he e v er - i ncreas i ng m i n i a tu r i za tion of soph i s ti ca t ed t echno l ogy. Using Agile methodology to develop the software using C and/or C++. Creating architecture and designs that are modular, scalable, robust, and meet customer requirements. P erform un it t es ting and on t arge t t es ting to ensure th e so ftw are meets th e h i g h - qua l ity s t andards ou r cus tom ers expe ct. You will a l so part i c i pate in con ti nuous p r ocess im p rovement a ctiviti es a i med a t ensur i ng t he p r ocesses and t oo l s used t h r oughou t soft w are d eve l opment l i fecycle are in crea s ing t he t eam ' s ab ility t o deve l op h i g h qua l ity so ftw are in t he mos t eff i c i en t manne r . Requirements C/C++, Python, Linux, Embedded/Realty me software development Desirable. Know l edge of fu ll s oft ware deve l opment l i fe cyde H a ving had a ma j o r r o l e i n mo re t han one N PI (N e w P r oduct I ntroduct i on ) p r o j e ct A ma j o r con t r i buto r to key arch it ecture / des i g n and dec i s i ons E xper i ence in see i ng a ma j o r part of p r o j e ct th rough a ll phases of deve l opmen t (R equ i re men t s / Des g n / Code /t es t/i ntegrat i on / ver i f i ca tion) Seen as t he go - to - pe rs on in t he p r o j e ct P r oactive /willi ng to t ake r i sks I nnovative and Q ua l ity driven Grea t Commun i ca tion sk ill s I nte res t and / o r exper i ence i in leading a sma ll team Soft w are used in con t r o lli ng comp l ex i ndus t r i a l m anufactur i ng equ i pmen t. Jatin Parashar. Technical Recruiter E: [email protected] Keywords: cprogramm cplusplus rlang information technology golang California Connecticut Massachusetts Missouri |
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Thu Aug 03 20:29:00 UTC 2023 |