
SAP MM Senior Consultant - Plano TX - Hybrid working at Plano, Texas, USA
Email: [email protected]

Shaik Saleem,

Ark Infotech Spectrum

[email protected]

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SAP MM Senior Consultant

Location: Plano , TX - Hybrid working

12 Months

Job description:                                       

SAP Material Management Consultant to join our team



Our SAP MM Leader will lead a team chartered with the implementation of SAP S/4 HANA and SAP ECC. Duties include but may not be limited to:

Educate local teams on basis SAP Materials Management functionality, and SAP in general.

Refine Materials Management process scope, identifying any gaps when necessary.

Perform system demonstrations designed to showcase the existing standard SAP functionality and secure buy-in from customers, while identifying any gaps, and/or requirements.

Translate local business requirements into related configuration requirements and perform system set-ups in SAP to meet customer requirements.

Identify any Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements, Forms, Workflows and/or any other development objects necessary to bridge requirements with SAP functionality through the creation of Functional Specification documentation. Interface effectively with developers to translate Functional Specification documentation into Technical Specifications and the development of technical designs

Identify local security requirements and work with Security staff on the creation of security profiles necessary to support local needs

Perform field and value mappings associated with data conversion efforts

Perform demonstrations of the updated system, post build (Configuration and Development) activities to showcase the incorporation and validate localization requirements

Provide support and subject matter expertise during the execution of testing activities and resolve any specific issues identified during testing

Work on the development training materials incorporating requirements and deliver end user training or train the trainer workshops according to the training plans/schedules/spa

Keywords: materials management sfour Texas
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Mon Aug 07 21:56:00 UTC 2023

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Location: Plano, Texas