
Data Azure Architect at Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Email: [email protected]

Sanjeev Kumar Singh,

Tek Inspirations LLC

[email protected]

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I'm Sanjeev from

TEK Inspirations

We have a requirement for you and the details are as follows

Please review the Job specifications below and let me know if interested. 

Please confirm this email that you received it also send me your
DL, Visa , 4 digit SSN, education details and LinkedIn profile  as well.

Job Description -

Role:: Data/Azure Architect 


Location:: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Duration::6 month

Onsite is needed.  Thoughts on the below Data Warehousing, Data Lake, Synapse and Cosmos, prior Architect Experience an emphasis point as well.  Share your thoughts on the below opportunity.  Meijer is the client located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Monday through Wednesday is onsite.  

Applications development in Azure technologies. New applications and rewrite of some of the .NET applications in Cloud.

Databases: Azure SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, MongoDB, SQL Server 2017,and MySQL
Web Technologies: .NET Core 2.1/2.2/3.1, Razor Pages, .NET 3.5/4.0/4.5/4.6/4.7, MVC Technology, ASP.NET, AJAX, XML, HTML/CSS, ADO.NET, Entity Framework, WebAPI, ReactJS, and React Native
Cloud Technologies: Azure Functions, Logic Apps, Azure Data Factory, Azure Blob Storage, Azure DevOps, and App Insights
Tools: Azure DevOps, Team    Foundation Server(TFS), Visual Studio 2019 
Networking, Windows/Linux virtual machines, Container, Storage, ELB, AutoScaling,  Serverless Architecture, ARM Templates, Azure SQL DB/DW, Data Factory, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Analysis Service - Must have experience in Azure IaaS
DevOps on an Azure platform

Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.


Sanjeev Kumar Singh

Keywords: database information technology green card
[email protected]
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Wed Oct 11 20:31:00 UTC 2023

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