
Hiring now:: Information Security Analyst ::Romulus, MI (Onsite) NEED LOCAL CANDIDATES at Romulus, Michigan, USA
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soumyaranjan mallick,

vyze inc

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Information Security Analyst

Location; Romulus, MI (Onsite) NEED LOCAL CANDIDATES

Duration: Long Term 

Visa: USC

Job Details

The Technology Services department of the Client is responsible for providing and managing the Airport Authoritys technology needs for both Detroit Metro and Willow Run airports. This includes ensuring that the Airport Authority is continuously able to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its computer systems, networks and information. This is accomplished by monitoring and/or administering information security related applications, technical security controls and established Technology Services security policies and procedures.

The successful candidate must have a business focus with a technical understanding of operational security.

Protect data and information systems against unauthorized access, modification, or destruction
Maintain and monitor data security
Manage network, intrusion detection and prevention systems
Respond to and analyze security incidents
Perform security awareness training
Prepare status reports on security matters to develop security risk analysis scenarios and response procedures.
Responsible for the tracking, monitoring and resolution of security incident tickets.
Audit and report on user accounts and access permissions
Provides direct support to the business and IT staff for security related issues.
Recommend and implement appropriate cybersecurity tools and countermeasures
Assist in the development and documentation of security procedures and business continuity plans.
Perform internal vulnerability security scans, monitor Web Portal from support services that conduct monthly external network vulnerability scans, analyze report data, and create, assign, and monitor technical service tickets to responsible technicians for the address and remediation of any discovered vulnerabilities.
Coordinate and participate in the administration of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans and tests. Track, report, and document results.
Participate as a member of the Technology Services Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT). Analyze data and incidents and develop reports and brief on findings,
Maintain an advance knowledge set of current PCI-DSS requirements. Monitor controls and practices to assure of continuous alignment to PCI-DSS Compliance. Assist the Technology Services Security Manger in annual PCI-DSS Attestations.

Keywords: information technology Michigan
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Thu Oct 12 01:10:00 UTC 2023

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Location: Romulus, Michigan