
Actimize SME at Columbus, Ohio, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
Role: Actimize SME

Experience: 15+ Years

Location: Columbus, OH  (REMOTE Looking for Consultants
based out in East Coast)

Duration: Long Term Contract

Minimum Qualifications:

Subject matter expert for the Actimize
solution (CDD Suite) and its processes as well as multi-platform

The ability to independently and
proactively research and resolve issues with Actimize modules and/or
processes, system performance problems as well as recommend and implement
streamlining processes

Act as Team Leader: directing project
activities; facilitating communications with technical teams; liaising
between business users, DBAs, internal technical staff, and vendors
related to data required for compliance efforts.

Monitor overall performance of the Actimize
solutions and alert DBAs and System Administrators to take appropriate

Hands on experience in AML

interfaces between Actimize modules and other MGI systems


Keywords: information technology Ohio
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Mon Oct 16 18:58:00 UTC 2023

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Location: Columbus, Ohio