
Business Analyst at Alpharetta, Georgia, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
Role: Business Analyst

Experience: 9 + Years

Location: Alpharetta, GA and Berkley Heights, NJ (Day
1 Onsite)

Mandatory Skills
: (Payments,
Rest API, Data Mapping, Postman)

Job Description:

This role is for a Business
Analyst responsible for requirement analysis, testing and providing
solutions for Global Liquidity platform.

A key part of the global
liquidity management program is the delivery of a technology solution for
Treasury and Cash Management groups to perform their business functions.

Technical challenges in the
technology space include constantly increasing level of Straight Through
Processing (STP) with low latency/high volume data feeds,
multi-dimensional aggregation & presentation, strong transaction
management for absolute data integrity, and effective fault-tolerance for
maximum availability.


Keywords: information technology Georgia New Jersey
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Thu Oct 19 20:07:00 UTC 2023

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Location: Alpharetta, Georgia