
Hiring now::Snowflake Architect :: REMOTE at Remote, Remote, USA
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soumyaranjan mallick,

vyze inc

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Snowflake Architect 




Don't send any Lead reference. Client Manger reference and LinkedIn 

CPG client is looking for a Snowflake Architect to translate business goals and challenges into data transformation and technology roadmaps and data architecture designs, as well as ensure all development within the Information Delivery team is compliant to set architecture patterns and designs.

client is being very specific in that they want an experienced Snowflake Architect.  This person must have worked in a manufacturing environment before

client is looking to interview and make a quick decision on this role.

Technical Experience:

Architecture experience in designing and developing on Snowflake and with excellent process knowledge in any of the following areas: Finance, Supply Chain, Marketing, Sales, Customer Service. Good To have But Not Mandatory experience / certification with one or more of the following platforms, tools Snowflake, AWS, GCP, Azure, Snowflake, SAP, Oracle, Collibra, IBM cloud, Informatica.

Professional Attributes:

Strong business analysis skills and ability to exercise judgement. Ability to create innovative solutions to key business challenges. Good communication written and verbal, presentation, and storytelling skills. Eagerness to learn and develop self on an ongoing basis.

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Tue Oct 24 22:50:00 UTC 2023

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