
Hiring now:: Data Scientist :: Los Angeles California Hybrid (locals) at California, Maryland, USA
Email: [email protected]

soumyaranjan mallick,

vyze inc

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Job Title: Data Scientist

Client: State Of CA

Location: Los Angeles California Hybrid (locals)

Duration: 06+ months 

MOI: Skype

Job Description: 


Must Have:

10 years of experience

1. Set up R Studio Workbench, Connect, and Package Manager on a Linux server.

2. Manage libraries and versions.

3. Write required security plan.

4. Work with security to connect the server to Snowflake and other data sources.

5. Provision server access to data scientists, including R Studio Server, sftp, and command line.

6. Provide training and support to data scientists, including training on visualization packages like ggplot2, Quatro, and Shiny.

7. Guide data scientists on how to use version control with GIT/Azure Devops.

Keywords: rlang California
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Wed Nov 08 09:25:00 UTC 2023

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