
IOS Developer // Experience: 9+ Years // onsite //(Preferred nearby Local candidates) at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
IOS Developer

9+ Years (Onsite)

Phoenix AZ , Charlotte NC(Preferred nearby Local candidates)

Skills: IOS, Swift, Objective-C.

Job Description:

9+ years of combined software/application development
experience in Objective-C, C++, Swift.

Created an application that is available in Apple's AppStore

Proficiency with Linux, Mac OS X, GNU tools, and scripting languages

Experience with all phases of the development life cycle

Experience with the following is desired:

Familiarity with Agile development including daily scrum and weekly iteration
reviews and planning

Enthusiasm for automated testing

Experience with unit testing frameworks

Experience with source control management


Keywords: cprogramm cplusplus information technology Arizona North Carolina
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Wed Dec 06 20:44:00 UTC 2023

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Location: Phoenix, Arizona