
Locals Only - Hybrid - Sr Automation Test Engineer at Phoenix, AZ at Phoenix, Arizona, USA
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Themesoft Inc.

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Please find the below job opening and let me know your interest

Role: Sr Automation Test Engineer

Location: Phoenix, AZ Hybrid

Job Description:

Experienced candidate who can manage end to end test process.

Understand the requirement , come up with the scenarios .

Co-ordinate with different stake holder in Agile/scrum team .

Good Programming knowledge. Programming experience is must. It may not be necessary in Golang. Java also works + automation testing needed + willingness to learn a bit Golang is needed.

5-9 years of experience in Technology, with an emphasis on QA, and confirmed ability in writing test cases, running functional, automated, or performance tests, and managing defects

The candidate should have excellent soft skills, strong technical ability with an extensive passion to learn with a growth mindset.

Comfortable with modern datastores like postgres, cassandra, elastic search

Comfortable/experienced with back-end micro-service automation specifically REST and asynchronous messaging services (e.g. Kafka, RabbitMQ etc)

Demonstratable experience with Golang as a programming Language

Comfortable/experience within a Scrum framework working with as part of a team to deliver business functions and customer journeys that are tested and automated throughout the CICD pipeline to production

Proven ability in writing test cases, running functional, automated, or performance tests, and managing defects.

Solid understanding of test-driven development, including unit, component, functional, system integration and regression tests.

Knowledge of software engineering methodology (Agile, incl Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and Waterfall)

Knowledge of the following tools : Cucumber/Godog or other BDD tools, Kubernetes, Docker, Rest Assured / Resty or other REST API testing tools, Wiremock/Mountebank or other HTTP stubbing tools.

Experienced in continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD) and continuous testing (CT), including tools such as Jenkins, Rally and/or JIRA and version control such as GIT or SVN

Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment quality analyst information technology Arizona Colorado Connecticut
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Wed Dec 06 21:43:00 UTC 2023

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Location: Phoenix, Arizona