
*Today C2C Requirement* 4 REQ at San Jose, California, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com

*Today C2C Requirement* 4 REQ

Beeline ID: Will be shared shortly

Job Title: Marketing and Communications Strategist

Location: San Jose, CA (Remote)

Rate: $

Experience Required: 7 10 years

Beeline ID: Will be shared shortly

Job Title: Sr. UX Researcher

Location: San Jose, CA (Remote)

Rate: $

Experience Required: 7 10 years

Job Title: Data Catalog Product Manager

Location: San Jose, CA (Hybrid/Day 1 Onsite)

Rate: $

Experience Required: 7 10 years

Job Title: Change Manager - SAP Transformation

Location: San Jose, CA (Remote)

Rate: $

Experience Required: 4 7 years

Please share resume at ashwin.g@pegasyssoft.com 


Keywords: user experience information technology California Idaho
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Wed Dec 20 20:33:00 UTC 2023

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Location: San Jose, California